To welcome the season of romance, we spoke with Blogger Olivia Parazine to learn the secrets behind Valentine’s Day décor.

By Alyssa Gautieri 

Valentine’s Day is less than a week away, but it’s not too late to heighten the romance in your home this Valentine’s Day with fresh roses, heart-shaped frames or fluffy pillows. Floral paintings, vintage dishes or pastel-colored linens also emanate feelings of love and warmth.
Olivia Parazine, a creative floral artist and blogger for Olivia’s Romantic Home, prides herself on creating a romantic mood within her home year round, she definitely knows how to step up her game during the season of love.

How can home décor bring romance into your home?

I have used a mix of vintage pieces, roses, soft linens and pastels in my home décor for years to create a romantic feeling in my home. In addition, I like to use soft pillows, blankets and linens to make my family feel warm and cozy.

How do you elevate the romance in your home come Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s day is the perfect romantic holiday to showcase a romantic home. To elevate the romantic feeling of my home during Valentine’s Day, I bring out my vintage cherubs, heart pillows, pink rose dishes and rose florals. I also sprinkle in pale pink touches with fancy faux pink cakes, candles and chocolate hearts for treats.

What are your favorite Valentine’s Day décor pieces?

My absolute favorite décor pieces to use during Valentine’s day are vintage cherub accent pieces. Bringing in the old vintage cherubs remind me of how romantic love gets better with age. Vintage hearts and bridal pieces are also lovely items to incorporate. I also love to frame my favorite family photos in heart scrolly heart frames.

What colors pair best with Valentine’s Day décor? 

My favorite colors to incorporate into my home to give it a romantic feel are pastels, especially pink, green and purples.

How do you use flowers throughout your home?

Roses are above and beyond romantic, and I like to accent every room in my home with rose florals and antique rose paintings.